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World Food Day

World Food Day has been celebrated since 1945, on October 16th and was created by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), with the aim of developing a reflection on global food. According to FAO itself, the organization's objective is to achieve regular access to enough food for everyone, helping the neediest population to have a healthier life.
Currently, more than 2 billion people around the world live in a situation called food insecurity, meaning that these people do not have enough quality food to meet their needs.

On the other hand, on the rest of the planet, hunger is not the problem, but inadequate nutrition, which is responsible for triggering thousands of cases of obesity. According to the UN report:
- 40 million children are overweight.
- 339 million teenagers are obese.
- 672 million are obese adults.

Therefore, food is a situation that involves several factors, with hunger not being the only problem faced by the world population.
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